Editor's Desk

Spring Showers

 Rain showers are a blessing to some and a curse to others. There is a great quote from Epictetus- “It is not events that disturb people, it is their judgements concerning them".  It is not the rain that is a blessing or curse but how we respond to the rain.  Our emotions are ours to control but we rarely do.  We let bad drivers put us in bad moods, let the rain ruin our day. But what if we didn’t, what would that look like?  

We all have a choice of how we react to something but it takes training to enforce that choice. One of the easiest steps is to just wait, waiting to react and you might find yourself miles down the road and completely forget the incident but it also lets the wave of emotions pass. Another good technique is to not give permission. I won’t let the rain stop me or I won’t let their comments bother me.  We too often embrace the victim mentality and by doing so we shut out the possibilities of what we can do.  

The Dutch have a saying “ You are not made of sugar”. Rainy days outnumber the sunny ones in the Netherlands but does that stop the children from playing? No. Playing outside is so highly valued that the weather does not deter them from their activities.  This is a practice we should adopt.  Don’t let the rain keep you from training or kids from playing. Adapt, gear up and embrace it. A little discomfort can shift your perspective, humble you and open yourself up to a whole different array of experience.  So go out and splash in the puddles, get soaked to the bone, rain is for more than growing flowers.

Thank you and be well. 

Jason Smoyer

Editor - Bellefonte Zine