Strengthening You

Spring Cleaning!

We're going to spend some time today cleaning out and re-organizing our refrigerator, freezer, and pantry to set us up for wellness success.  Before I moved into my own house in 2020, I never realized how important it is to have a kitchen organization that makes sense… (And I still get picked on for not choosing the "right" place for things in the drawers or cabinets)

Now that I'm finally creating my own space, I recognize how valuable it can be to have everything in an easy and accessible location.  Plus, even if we don't like to admit it, how great does it feel to have everything organized?  I think back to when I was a kid and my parents made me clean my room before my friends could come over. Of course I didn't want to do it, but once I did, I felt like a whole new woman before the tornado went through again.

The biggest piece will be getting up and doing it, but once it's done, you will feel proud. And I highly doubt it will take more than an hour or so.

Let’s get down to business.

Here are a few tips for the cleaning and organization process:

1. Clear out all of the shelves and wipe them down, if necessary

2. Put like items together (sauces, spices, condiments, canned foods, grains, snacks, proteins, vegetables, fruits, drinks, etc.), placing the most used items in the front

3. Look at expiration dates (truly, the fewer items you have with expiration dates, the better... but it's good to check up on these every once in awhile. My grandma is notorious for having expiration dates that are years old)

4. Place items like spices and baking materials closer to the stove so that they're easilyaccessible

5. Consider healthy alternatives for some common items and discard old items, if possible

Here are some easy/cheap ways to swap out certain items for healthier versions:

Look for: Bread, rolls, pastas, crackers, cereals, pretzels, chips, and pancake mixes. Many of these products are made from refined grains, such as white flour and white rice, which are easily digested and can rapidly elevate your blood sugar.

Replace with: Whole-grain versions of the same foods, such as lentil pasta, whole- wheat crackers, or whole-grain chips. The first ingredient listed needs to start with the word "whole" and preferably "100% whole".

Look for: Instant cereals (such as flavored oatmeal or cream of wheat) and sugary cereals.

Replace with: Whole-grain rolled or steel-cut oats, or so-called ancient grains (millet, quinoa, amaranth), which make a hearty breakfast when cooked and topped with fresh fruit.

Look for: Marinades, salad dressings, bottled sauces

Replace with: Spices. Make your own rub out of spices instead of using a marinade or sauce. Try combinations like chili powder, cinnamon, and onion powder; or curry powder, dry mustard, and garlic powder. Make your own salad dressing using olive or avocado oil, lemon juice, and vinegar. And make a sauce for fish or chicken using fat-free Greek yogurt and your favorite spices.

Look for: Cookies, candy, processed snack foods. These have refined grains, preservatives, and added sugar.

Replace with: Fresh fruit. Make it feel like a treat by placing ripened fruit (such as bananas and strawberries) on wood skewers and freezing them.

If you have more questions, please feel free to ask. These are just a few ways to get us started! I figured it would be easiest to share a few swaps while we're cleaning things out.  Once you do yours, I know you're going to feel proud that it’s done and feel like you’re ready to tackle some additional wellness goals this year.

Alright, enough chatting. Let's do it!

Hello beautiful human. I'm Alyssa Spaw! In the most simple terms, I am a certified personal trainer and wellness speaker in the St. Petersburg, FL area. Pleased to meet you! I want to be there to help you set and achieve your goals. I want to help you stay accountable and never lose hope in your ability to succeed. With the strength in your mind comes the strength in your body! For more information visit my website: