Editor's Desk

Love/Black History

        February is short month full of many things.  It's the ending of winter, the discarding of resolutions, the celebration of love and the honoring of black history. Here is my take on this month's theme.

Love - There is a great line from a Larry Fleet song “I try to love everyone God puts in front of me, that’s a life worth living.” Some of us think of love as affection or feelings that are reserved for those near and dear to us.  What does it look like to “love” thy neighbor, or the person you pass on the street or those God puts in front of you? Kindness, compassion and patience is what that looks like.  Let that be your focus when you are interacting with the world.  What you may discover is that you find yourself at peace.  Hatred, anger, stress and frustration all drain our energy, weigh us down.  Maintaining a positive attitude and approaching the world that way can be a struggle but well worth it so go out and love.

Black History Month - From enduring horrendous atrocities to some of the greatest human achievements, black history is something everyone should explore.  It is full of amazing stories and incredible deeds to horrific tales of human suffering and endurance.  Black culture is not something to pass over but to inquire.  In doing so you’ll gain a better understanding of black culture and hopefully an appreciation of it.     

Thank you and be well. 

Jason Smoyer

Editor - Bellefonte Zine